Sunday, August 14, 2016

This was a few questions about marketing that i was asked recently at a office.

Tell us about your most creative or successful marketing strategy. How did you come up with the idea? What were the results?
There is no one creative marketing strategy that contributes to my overall success. My brand and my business are built on relationships that are grown through a genuine care and concern for my partners. While I do share what my company has to offer, when I am "boots on the ground" with my agents and builders we spend more time relating on a personal level. This is just who I am as a person; this was not a strategy that I crafted. There is no way to fake this kind of authenticity. I believe that my referral partners appreciate this approach to business and have a positive reaction. The results speak for themselves.

Tell us about an unusual or difficult loan scenario and what you did to ensure a successful closing.
During a new construction loan, the borrower's credit report expired. Approximately 30 days prior to closing I pulled an updated credit report. The new credit report showed significant new derogatory items. The credit score had plummeted and the borrower no longer qualified for the loan. This situation left my builder with a nearly completed custom home with no buyer and my client with nowhere to live in approximately 30 days. I spent a significant amount of time with the borrower evaluating the changes from the old report to the new report. Armed with a properly evaluated credit profile, we were able to work with the borrower to take action on a rapid rescore. The credit score moved back to an acceptable level for loan approval and the loan closed on time.

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